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At the age of 12, Viggó got his hands on his first camera - and hasn´t let go ever since. After getting his start capturing the majestic lava fields and glaciers of his native Iceland, Viggó went on to study Cinematography, Sound and Editing at the Icelandic National Film School, where he graduated at the top of his technical class.

Viggó has since served different roles in productions shot all over Iceland, as well Denmark, the UK, and the Philippines. His works as Director of Photography (DOP) include Agent Fresco´s 'See Hell' Music Video, which won Best Music Video at the 2016 Icelandic Listeners’ Award, and No Homo, which won Best Icelandic Short Film at the 2013 Reykjavik Shorts and Docs Festival.

His television credits include producing and being part of the development team behind Krakkafréttir, the very first Icelandic Children´s News Program on RUV (the National Icelandic Broadcasting Station). He also shot the sports documentary series Goðsagnir efstu deildar (Legends) aired on Stöð 2 Sports Channel Iceland.

Viggó is the co-founder and resident DOP of Fenrir Films, an Iceland-based production company. At the moment, Viggó splits his time between Manila, Philippines, and his hometown of Reykjavik, Iceland.

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